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Mango Festival
Pickled, juiced, or straight off the tree, there are so many ways to enjoy the unofficial fruit of Guam: the mango. The Agat Mango Festival, held annually in the southern seaside village of Agat, is a three-day festival dedicated to the juicy, red-gold fruit. It has been held annually since 2006 and takes place in May, usually during the last weekend of the month.
The popular festival attracts both residents and visitors with vendor booths, concessions, dancing, mango displays and contests, demonstrations, live music, dance performances, games, rides, and more. Vendors sell mango donuts, pickled mango, mango preserves, and mango smoothies.
Local families grow different varieties of mango in their yards and ranches and at the festival each family can present a basket of their harvest, showing off the variety of the fruit found on the island. They also submit individual mangoes to compete for the title of “Most Beautiful Mango,” “Biggest Mango,” and “Most Bizarre.”
In addition to the culinary and entertainment features, the festival is also an opportunity for artisans, craftsmen, gardeners and hobbyists to sell their wares and collectibles. Everything from knives and swords to delicate handmade earrings are sold by local merchants. Local musicians bring their talents to the festival where they perform either on the main stage or in the shaded courtyard within the community center.