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Tarague is a geographic place name given to the northern littoral of the island of Guam, between Mergagan Point to the west and Tagua Point to the east.
The landscape at Tarague consists of the sea and coral reef, the lagoon and coastal plain, a limestone beach and towering limestone cliff.
The vegetation at Tarague, several species of trees, shrubs, vines, ferns and grasses, including the valued ifil hardwood.
Freshwater is available in the form of a porous water lens that can be reached through digging wells. There is also a limestone cave with fresh water at Tarague. A number of surge channels created by freshwater runoff are present along the coastal margin.
The presence of pictographs (cave wall drawings) inside a limestone cave at Tarague was initially noted by Hans Hornbostel in the 1920s.
Currently, Tarague is located within the Andersen Air Force Base, and access to the Tarague area is restricted.